Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Capturing Summer

My favorite season is officially over. Here are some photos to capture a sweet summer.

We had our first garage sale! It was a lot of fun, thanks to help from our friends, and we made a good chunk of change. We packed up a car full of things that didn't sell, but that just requires a short trip to Iowa City to one of our favorite consignment shops.

We finally went to Jazz in the Park downtown and caught up with Jason and Stef on a fun double date.

Seeing the kids in the family grow up!

Our friends Adam and Pam
introduced us to Sil's, a drive thru
cafe in Milwaukee that makes fresh, hot
cinnamon sugar and powdered doughnuts that melt in your mouth. Thanks guys!

Visiting Meg and Tyler for a week in Washington. It was my first time in the state and I loved it.

Being a bridesmaid in Mahera's wedding with Megan.

Chip and Lisa stopped through Tosa on their way to the staff conference and we got to spend the whole day with them. Our hearts were refreshed to share company with these dear friends.

And of course, there was Ghana. Richard was a great man to work with and we miss him and his country a ton!