Saturday, August 17, 2013

Prayer for A College Student

Going off to college is such an exciting time! The unknowns abound, and conjure up feelings of anticipation as well as uneasiness. Even if one isn't moving far from home, there comes with this season new freedoms and responsibility.

In just two weeks 185,000 students will be starting up at the various colleges, tech. schools, and universities in the Milwaukee Metro area. They will find out what they are truly made of-if they can make it to all their classes and balance social life and academics. Many will completely start over and find a new identity. They will all struggle at some point, even if no one ever knows-be it emotionally, financially, socially, or academically. All of them will be seeking a place to fit in, and the hope of a prosperous future. Some will fail and drop out after just a few weeks. It happens every year, and it's a sad fact. Others will transfer from the impatience created by how their expectations measure up to reality. (Making true friends can take so long!)

As these students are having graduation parties and making their final runs to Target and Ikea, I am excited for them. I can't wait to meet as many of them as possible, and welcome them to their new schools. To let them know they matter, and are not just another face in the crowd. I hope they will flourish and find themselves in college. Most of all, I hope they will find God, and let Him in. No matter what their past, or current religious affiliation, I hope college will be for them a time of learning about their Creator, and understanding the beauty and mystery of the gospel. I hope I will be faithful to show it to them.

I came across this prayer this afternoon as I scrolled through recent posts on Twitter. Will you pray it with me, for the incoming students? These two weeks mark such a significant point in so many lives, and our prayers can surely make a tangible difference as we talk to God on their behalf.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Leadership Summit

The past two days I have had the opportunity to be a part of Willow Creek's Annual Global Leadership Summit.  I love this kind of stuff.  I eat up leadership podcasts and books that help people think more strategically and better themselves as leaders.  I am really grateful for the opportunity to be able to attend this conference, via satellite, and be challenged by some of today's top leaders in business and management.

I've heard from former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, Renowned Pastor Bill Hybels, and Executive TV Producer Mark Burnett, among others.  I am most looking forward to Andy Stanley's closing session this afternoon!

Some highlights from the summit so far:

Bill Hybels

Joshua 1:9-"Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

"Courage correlates to every leadership component."  

"People join organizations.  They leave managers."

"If you lead in an organization long enough, you will have to re-invent the organization, and re-invent yourself."

"Some of the most rewarding experiences in the marathon are reserved until late in the race."       Persevere.  

Colin Powell

"Leadership is about followership"

"Get mad then get over it"-one of his catch phrases. 

"Leaders solve problems.  If people aren't bringing you problems, they either think you don't care, or you won't do anything about it."   Be approchable, and let those you lead know you care. 

Peter Lencioni

3 things that cause job misery:
-Irrelevance-Thinking what you do doesn't matter
-Immeasurement-Not knowing how to gauge progress properly
-Anonymity-People feel anonymous.  

There's a lot to take in, process and pray about.  I have some small steps identified that need be taken to be a more effective and godly leader, so please pray for me to keep walking them out and growing as a leader!