Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Project Week

This week I have been all about various projects. I can't get enough. I've been changing light bulbs, reading up on how to make a washer toss game, and swapping out storage solutions around our place.  Even today when sniffling and coughing from a surprise cold, I had to put the final touches on my latest endeavor.

Making plastic magazine holders pretty with fabric.  

It started like this:  

four plastic holders
spray glue
fabric (a gift from Ghanaian staff-perfect!)
box cutter
thin cardboard (for covering spaces and making edges the same)
coffee-optional, but necessary as this was a night project.

Cardboard glued-check. Next went the fabric, and cardstock to cover the seams inside. Ta dah!
I looked online for tips to do this, but everyone either made theirs from cereal boxes (not as sturdy), or designed it from sturdy cardboard (not necessary since I already had the structure. I am very satisfied with the final product!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Travelling Elephant

We found these beautiful elephant tables at the Art Market in Accra, and after much consideration, decided to make a purchase.  Our boy Constitution even brought it to the airport the following morning wrapped and ready to go.  

After spending several hours at the airport the morning of our departure, Ben had to go back "just for five minutes" to fill out some remaining paperwork before the artifact would be shipped as cargo.  So our team waited outside in our buses for him to run in and do this.  And we waited...and finally had to go and check in without him because it was taking so long. No one would tell him anything, but after an hour and a half and a drive to border control, he was notified that the DEA was suspicious drugs were being smuggled in the elephant! A common practice I'm sure, but the fact that it was happening to us was just laughable. 

To Ben's horror (and mine as I later pictured the scene), a hammer was taken to the beautiful piece and inspected for drugs. Guess what they found......nothing. So we are left with no elephant, having paid everything in full, and Ben is hoping he can still make the flight.  

I have to say I was glad to have a good story!


This week we were notified that our replacement was being shipped.  We didn't know if it would be sent to our apartment or if we should pick it up at the airport, until we got the call from the airport saying it was in. So Ben went to get it today and she is now in our home! (We were thankfully able to get the other one from Constitution's shop that was almost the same).  

This box has seen better days...

Excited to see it!

 And there she is! What a beauty.  At first it looked like the wrong color and finish, but once in dimmer light I could tell it was the right one.

I was really, REALLY nervous to get this thing up three flights of stairs by ourselves. (Thankfully my husband is very strong and muscular :) ) 

Phew. Made it to the top!

Just testing it out.

Isn't she a great fit?!

Welcome home, little one. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hindsight: Still not 20/20

I came across this blog post that never made it online while on our trip:

Three weeks ago I read Isaiah 55:8-9 on one of the flights to Ghana. It was a desperate attempt to intake some scripture in the midst of being tired, fighting a cold, and leading 29 students to another continent.    I have read the verses before, and am in full agreement that God is much greater that I am. 

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.   For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” 

I caught a glimpse of this truth playing out the first 48 hours in country.  Constant adjustments needed to be made, I had next to nothing for a voice, and I was sweating. Constantly. (That's just not something a girl likes to do). Clearly I could not maintain a positive, let alone Christ-like mindset left to my own devices.  I could not understand why things were playing out the way they were, and why our plans were not sufficient despite all the time we spent working them out.  But I could trust that God knew.  In the coming weeks I would see God use circumstances to reveal flaws in my character, challenge the depth of my faith in Him, and on whom I truly depend to bear fruit for His kingdom.  There were a few days where I really did not want to be in Ghana, leading a team, or working as a missionary.  Despite those feelings and the trials that made those days seem unbearable, I am so glad Ben and I came to Ghana. When I think of what we would have missed had we done something else, I know we would have missed out on some sweet gifts from Him.  I am seeing God’s purpose(s) for us being here unfold as the days go on, and it is really humbling and awesome.  

Today I am reminded of those verses in Isaiah yet again.  As I sat in my room in our hostel this afternoon, planning for Wednesday’s Bible study, I had a sweet encounter with God. I asked the Lord for something specific, and my heart was humbled at the thought of Him listening, and the knowledge that He wants this prayer to be answered as much as I do. (I know because it’s true to His Word.)  The Holy Spirit gave me words to pray, and my heart genuinely thanked God for all He has done here, as I reflected on the past few weeks and the experiences we have had.  I asked Him boldly to not let us come back home the same as when we left.  I could not have planned to connect with God intimately during an afternoon of planning, but am grateful that the truths in Isaiah exist and are causing me to grow and depend more on Jesus, and less on myself.  I am so glad and praise God that He knows what I need, when I need it.  

I still don't know why certain things played out the way they did, but having been home for two weeks now and hearing from students all that they learned during our trip, I have a bit more insight into God's work through every detail.